Multi-level Conditional Rendering

What about nested conditional renderings? Let's have a look at the List component that can either show a list, an empty text or nothing.

function List({ list }) {
const isNull = !list
const isEmpty = !isNull && !list.length
return (
{ isNull
? null
: ( isEmpty
? <p>Sorry, the list is empty.</p>
: <div>{ => <ListItem item={item} />)}</div>
// usage
<List list={null} /> // <div></div>
<List list={[]} /> // <div><p>Sorry, the list is empty.</p></div>
<List list={['a', 'b', 'c']} /> // <div><div>a</div><div>b</div><div>c</div><div>

It works, however I would recommend to keep the nested conditional renderings to a minimum, it makes it less readable, my recommendation would be to split it up into smaller components which themselves have conditional renderings.

function List({ list }) {
const isList = list && list.length
return (
{ isList
? <div>{ => <ListItem item={item} />)}</div>
: <NoList isNull={!list} isEmpty={list && !list.length} />
function NoList({ isNull, isEmpty }) {
return (!isNull && isEmpty) && <p>Sorry, the list is empty.</p>