Stateless Function (Presentational Component)

What is Stateless Function?#

  • Stateless function is a way to define React components as a function. Rather than as a class or via React.createClass.
  • Stateless function does not hold state; just props.

For examples#

Without stateless function, write a presentational component that is just renders props, and doesn't has state.

const UserPassword = React.createClass({
render() {
return <p>The user password is: {this.props.userpassword}</p>
// OR
class Userpassword extends React.Component {
render() {
return <p>The user password is: {this.props.userpassword}</p>

With stateless function.

const UserPassword = function(props) {
return <p>The user password is: {this.props.userpassword}</p>

With stateless function, arrow function, destructuring and implicit return.

const UserPassword = ({userpassword}) => <p>The user password is: {userpassword}</p>

Stateless function is great for styling as well.

const PrimaryButton = props => {
const styles = { background: 'red', color: 'white' }
return <button {...props} style={styles} />

Stateless function with event handlers.

const Button = props => {
const onClick = e => console.log('You clicked me!')
return <button onClick={onClick}>Click me!</button>

Stateless function can have defined defaultProps, propTypes.

import PropTypes from 'prop-types'
const UserPassword = props => <p>The user password is: {this.props.userpassword}</p>
UserPassword.propTypes = {
userpassword: PropTypes.string.isRequired,
Username.defaultProps = {
username: 'Jonh',

Stateless function can have defined contextTypes (when using context, it's simply passed in as the second argument).

import PropTypes from 'prop-types'
const UserPassword = (props, context) => <p>User password is {context.password}</p>
WowComponent.contextTypes = {
password: PropTypes.string.isRequired,